Easy Choice System
The Schildkröt Easy Choice System makes it very easy for every player to choose between the large selection of rackets available and identify the product that is most suited to his particular playing ability and technical skills. The „Easy Choice System“ divides the players in eight levels of skill, from level 100 (beginner) to 7000 (very advanced player). Better materials and the correct combination of rubbers, sponge and wood will improve fun and skill considerably and permit more advanced playing techniques with each higher level of racket as quickly identified by the Schildkröt Easy Choice System.
Click here or on the image below to have the Easy Choice System explained in different languages.
Playing better with more fun. Table tennis is a fast and skillful sport. Spin and speed are most important and everybody – top player and beginner – enjoys the game more with bats using good rubber, sponge and wood. The better the material, the faster your game improves!
The Colours used to show the levels of quality are also used on the lower part of the front label for each respective quality level. All rubbers of levels 300 to 7000 are ITTF approved.
Type of game & sponge thickness
Between the wood and the rubber there is a layer of special sponge. The sponge is acting like a "motor" of the racket. The thicker sponge, the higher the power of the racket.
2.3mm Sponge = Attack Plus
2.0 / 2.1mm Sponge = Attack
1.7 / 1.8mm Sponge = Allround
1.5 / 1.6mm Sponge = Control